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Uses of Infrared Imaging in Oil Fields

Uses of Infrared Imaging in Oil Fields

Gas leakage is a serious problem in the chemical industry. It not only leads to the waste of resources, but also may cause serious safety accidents such as fire and explosion, and even pollution to the environment. Therefore, how to effectively detect gas leakage is an important issue that chemical plants must face.

Challenges in Chemical Plants

Production processes in chemical plants are complex and involve a wide variety of chemical substances, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These substances may leak during production, transportation and handling. Once leaked, they not only cause economic losses, but can also have serious impacts on human health and the environment.

Challenges in Chemical Plants

Effects of Gas Leaks

Gas leaks can lead to many problems, including air pollution, fires and explosions. In addition, some gases are harmful to the human body and prolonged exposure may lead to various health problems. Therefore, timely and accurate detection of gas leaks is crucial for chemical plants.

Effects of Gas Leaks

Advantages of Infrared Thermography

Infrared thermography has many advantages. First, it can work in a variety of environmental conditions, including darkness, smoke, and fog. Second, it can detect over long distances and over large areas, greatly improving detection efficiency. Finally, it can provide images in real time, making it easy for operators to find and deal with problems in a timely manner.

Advantages of Infrared Thermography

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